Black History Month

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Emmett Louis Till was a 14-year-old African American boy who lived with his parent’s in Chicago IL, traveled to Mississippi to see family but was badly tortured and killed by racists whites because a white woman said that Emmett offended her by whistling. The men that tortured and killed Emmett Till were acquitted of his death. Emmett Till was kidnapped beaten and shot in the head afterward they through his body in the Tallahatchie River. Once Emmett’s body was found they sent him back to Chicago to have a public service funeral and open casket to show what those men did to him was an injustice act. Emmett Till even though passed away played a big in the Civil Right’s Movement he many others that were brutally beaten because of their skin color gave those who protested against the racism something to fight for. When it comes to Black History Month Emmett Till is a big factor the story of his life and death is an insight into 1940’s in Mississippi and how an African American was treated based on the Jim-Crow laws. The NAACP had also asked Mamie Till Bradley to tour the country relating the events of her son’s life, death, and the trial of his murderers.

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